Is there a way to use the LFForm Object inside of an IFrame in the Laserfihce Cloud Modern Forms Designer? I am creating a custom page to display information from a third-party website. I need to be able to monitor form fields for changes as well as set field values from within the IFrame. Is this possible?
LFForm Object inside of an IFrame
There is not right now, I am exploring options to support this type of integration but the cross-origin nature of it may be difficult to support in its entirety.
I am interested to know more about what this iframe is doing for you if you are able to share any specifics
I'm not able to share many details here, but generally what I am trying to do is embed an IFrame into a Laserfiche Form. When a field value changes in the Form, I need to be able to be notified of the change to update the UI in the IFrame. When a user performs an action in the IFrame, I would like to either update field values in the form or invoke a method in JavaScript (similar to the onclick custom button handler).
Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further offline.
Definitely an interesting concept, I'd love to hear more about it. If you could email I will follow up with you there!