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Make all checkbox options as required

asked on September 27, 2024

Hello everyone, I need all the options of a checkbox element to be mandatory, so that if the client does not select all of them, he cannot submit the form. Also, as a plus, it could be possible that until all the options are selected, the Submit button is not displayed.

How can I achieve this in Laserfiche 11 Selfhosted, using the new UI Form Designer, because with the Classic version I can solve it, but I would have to tear down the entire form that has many elements already created and it would not be optimal to do so.

Whenever I try to apply a solution previously proposed here with java script in the new UI Form Designer, I have problems with the execution of the JS and it does not work.

Any ideas to solve this?


Thank you

checkbox_11.png (13.74 KB)
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replied on September 27, 2024 Show version history

I'm not sure trying to make all the checkboxes required at the form field level is the right way to address the use case. Seems overly complicated and trying to force checkbox fields to be something they're not. And it's unclear what the value of tracking each consent item in an individual Forms variable is if you're not allowed to submit without consenting to all of them.

Since they must all be acknowledged, can you have one required consent acknowledgement checkbox and then an HTML list of the conditions? Like so:

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replied on October 1, 2024

Hi Samuel, thank you very much for answering me. Sometimes, in times like these, simplicity solves a big headache. Your proposal is a very applicable solution for this case. I'm going to mark it as an answer because it summarizes the logic of multiple selection, since it doesn't make sense to have multiple options to select and for these to be mandatory and for each one of them to have to be chosen, when through your proposal they can all be resolved.
Good for you! Thank you very much!

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