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Month Year Format in Forms New Designer

asked on September 27, 2024 Show version history

Hi all, how can I format my output to this format 09/24  using with what I have now.  My date field is MM/DD/YYYY. I have this in a Line Field.  =CONCATENATE(MONTH(Date),"/",YEAR(Date))


Thanks in Advance

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replied on September 27, 2024 Show version history
  1. Break your year out into a temp single line field using this formula: =YEAR(Date_Time)
  2. Create another temp field (ShortYear) where using this formula to get the 2 rightmost characters: =RIGHT(Year,2)
  3. Concatenate them all together into a new field (New Date): =CONCATENATE(MONTH(Date_Time),"/",ShortYear)

4.  Hide the temp fields - Just make sure to save the data.

After hiding the fields:

Good luck!

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replied on September 30, 2024

In the Single Line Field Advanced tab, in the Formula, you can use


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replied on September 30, 2024

Sweet, thanks guys. They both works for me.  So, there always more than one way to skin a cat!

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