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Forms Rounding in Currency Field

asked on September 26, 2024 Show version history

I am trying to prevent rounding up/down in a currency field in Laserfiche Cloud forms process. I have added the dot decimal mark in the default to display the integer. However, it is rounding it up. If I don't add the dot decimal mark, it doesn't display the integer. I don't have this problem when its a number field. 

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replied on September 26, 2024

Hey Sherri,


The key differences between the Integer field and the Number field in Laserfiche Forms are the following.  So it would be expected that the integer would round as it is only whole numbers.

Integer Field:

  • Data Type: Only accepts whole numbers (integers).
  • Range: Limited to a specific range, typically 0 to 64,9991.
  • Compatibility: Included mainly for compatibility with older versions of Laserfiche.


Number Field:

  • Data Type: Accepts any numerical value, including decimals.
  • Flexibility: More versatile, allowing for a wider range of numerical data.
  • Range Specification: You can specify a default range of accepted values and the number of decimal places


replied on September 26, 2024

I'm unable to test older versions of the new form designer, but the currency field should support 2 decimal places. Is this not what you are seeing?

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