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New forms designer enable or disable a field based on another field value

asked on September 18, 2024

I would like (in the new forms designer) to enable and disable a field based on another fields value as it changes.  This is what I am starting with and it isn't working:


LFForm.onFieldChange(() => console.log("change"), {fieldID:8});
  if(LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldID: 8}) === "1") 
    LFForm.disalbeFields({fieldID: 6});
  {LFForm.eanbleFields({fieldId: 6});


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replied on September 18, 2024

You can use the Field Rules for this in Modern.  Here is an example of the setup:


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replied on September 19, 2024

Field rules are definitely the easiest way forward here, but for completion sake the correct code is below. You had a few spelling mistakes on the enable/disable fields functions and only the "I" in fieldId should be capitalized.

  () => {
    if (LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 8 }) === '1') {
      LFForm.disableFields({ fieldId: 6 });
      LFForm.enableFields({ fieldId: 6 });
  { fieldId: 8 },


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