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Laserfiche Forms Custom Button

asked on September 18, 2024 Show version history

Hi Everyone,

I have a project to create using Laserfiche Forms.

I have a collection container with fields named "Document No., Rev., Document Title, Status, Status Date.". I want to save the fields' data to other fields like a list, and then fields will be cleared once I click a custom button named "save.". But I also want to edit the previously saved data or delete them before submitting the form.

How can this behavior be achieved in Laserfiche Forms? 


Best regards


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replied on September 18, 2024

Staying within the features available (without custom coding), you can essentially start a new table by starting a new form, while saving the data submitted in it's own instance and editing it within that instance from a user task. This can be done by renaming your Submit button to save on the Start Message object and then updating the On Event Completion to forward to a website, which would return the user to the URL for the form.

If you are looking to custom code something it will be a lot of individual posts that likely already exist on here including:

  • How do I create a custom button that runs a function
  • How do I get data from a table
  • How do I put data in X
  • How do I update data in X
  • etc
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