I need to write an api call using the Laserfiche APIs to search for a folder id based on the name of the folder. I am working on the search command for the Laserfiche Simple Search API following this web page.
https://developer.laserfiche.com/docs/guides/search/guide_simple-search/ T
he search command that I'm using in the body of the API call is
"searchCommand":"{LF:Name=\"42061\",Type=\"F\"} & {LF:Lookin=\"Student Records\"}"
I should get 1 returned value, but I keep this response:
{ "@odata.context": "https://api.laserfiche.com/repository/v2/$metadata#Collection(Laserfiche.Repository.Entry)",
"value": []
I can see that I'm authenticating with the service principal appropriately. The Laserfiche project that I created in the developer console has the scope repository.Read. The token that I generate for the API call has the scope repository.Read and the Service Principal account has access to the repository. Any thoughts on why I'm not getting the appropriate result? Anything I might be overlooking?