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Laserfiche API calls: @odata.context

asked on September 17, 2024

I need to write an api call using the Laserfiche APIs to search for a folder id based on the name of the folder. I am working on the search command for the Laserfiche Simple Search API following this web page. T

he search command that I'm using in the body of the API call is


"searchCommand":"{LF:Name=\"42061\",Type=\"F\"} & {LF:Lookin=\"Student Records\"}"


I should get 1 returned value, but I keep this response:

{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(Laserfiche.Repository.Entry)",

"value": []



I can see that I'm authenticating with the service principal appropriately.  The Laserfiche project that I created in the developer console has the scope repository.Read.  The token that I generate for the API call has the scope repository.Read and the Service Principal account has access to the repository. Any thoughts on why I'm not getting the appropriate result?  Anything I might be overlooking?

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replied on September 17, 2024


I ran the same query on my system (the path was slightly different) and I received the expected results.  I'm guessing it must be security related.  Try checking your access rights on the folder(s) and view the effective rights as well to ensure it matches with your expectations.

  "searchCommand": "{LF:Name=\"42061\",Type=\"F\"} & {LF:Lookin=\"Andrew Spear\\Student Records\"}"


replied on September 17, 2024


I ran the same query on my system (the path was slightly different) and I received the expected results.  I'm guessing it must be security related.  Try checking your access rights on the folder(s) and view the effective rights for that Service Principal as well to ensure it matches with your expectations.



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