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Forms - Custom HTML space characters are as big as a tab

posted on September 16, 2024

When using the space bar on any text in an Unordered List the space size it creates is the size of a tab character. I have to copy normal space characters and Ctrl+V the space character to get a normal sized character.

Why would the space character from the space bar ever be a different length?

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replied on September 16, 2024

What all do you have in that Custom HTML field? I tested it out but I wasn't able to reproduce the issue in version 11.0.2311.50564.

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replied on September 17, 2024

Ya, I cannot reproduce this either. Could be some custom CSS affecting text spacing? You can inspect the HTML of the rendered form and see if any styling is affecting it.

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replied on September 18, 2024

Logging out and back in seemed to have fixed it for me. I tried to reproduce as I had copied text from a PDF file then set some of the text to an Unordered List and wondered if some formatting was causing it (even though all spaces in the copied text looked normal). I tried doing the same exact process in the same order from the PDF file again today and all spaces still look normal. At this point now I can not seem to reproduce what was happening to me the other day.

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