After making changes to a form, some of the fields I changed during testing have left these 3 test submissions suspended. I am unable to terminate the process. If I do choose terminate, the status remains unchanged. Do I need to throw something in my Process Diagram to allow the form to branch off and terminate on it's own? In this case, the variable is blank the form is expecting to see, and at this point, the variable will never be populated for those 3 test instances. Screenshot provided of process diagram and 3 instances I need to completely be gone. I read in an older post someone put in a terminate end, but am not sure where or how that works.
Unable to stop, delete, cancel a Suspended process in Laserfiche Forms 11.5
Working with our support vendor, we were able to determine the cause and it was a very simple fix. We have 2 forms servers, one on the internal side, and one in our DMZ for public access. I was using the "Monitor" of our public (DMZ) server url. As soon as we used the "Monitor" tab of our internal forms server URL everything worked as expected.
When you right click over the suspended instance, what options do you see?
Here's the screenshot, and, none of them do anything when choosing them, just continue to say suspended.
Since it is submitting at an email task, could you just edit each one and manually throw in a value like your email address and then retry to see if it will push through. I'm assuming it is suspending because the value you have as the recipient is empty and it doesn't know where to send the email to. However, usually skipping will move it along. Was a condition removed after these instances were started?
I had the email to option set as "initiator" but since this was a public form, there was no way the form to know who the initiator was. So after a few employees submitted their forms, I updated the form to capture the EE Email and updated the email option to EE Email and it is working. When I go back and edit the task and go to the Variables tab, edit the EE Email so the value is there, the form will not save. I get this error.
I have already had 2 of these employees retry and it did work, now, there are processes I need to just stop and exit so I can delete them.
I duplicated the issue but I could still skip and cancel. I would check your event logs and see if there is anything helpful from the submissions when it was still on initiator. I have had to restart my routing service when I can't get a form to move for one reason or another and that usually clears up the issue. That being said, you should do this during a down time and if you have never done it before, I would reach out to your SP first.
Thanks for trying that :)
Hi Tracey,
You should always be able to stop an instance when it's suspended/in-progress, but from your error message, it seems something wrong with Forms routing engine. A quick attempt is you can try restart FormsRoutingEngine service and see if you can stop the instance or not. If that doesn't work, I'd recommend open a support ticket and provide us the error logs in Event Viewer so we can know what is failing exactly.