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Assign a community license to a laserfiche user using the LFDS SDK

asked on September 13, 2024

I am working on a workflow SDK script that will create an LFDS Laserfiche user. I am able to create the user and set the password using the LFDS SDK (LMO) but am having a difficult time finding how to apply a community user license to the new user created from the script. I have looked through the LFDS SDK documentation but it is still not clear on how to issue a license to a single user. Can anyone provide any insight on how to do this? 

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replied on September 20, 2024

Hi Chris,


Were you able to figure this out?  We just had a customer ask if this was possible.  Like you, I know that we can create user accounts via the SDK in Workflow... but I've never attempted to allocate a Community License.




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