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extending field labels

asked on September 4, 2024

I am trying to extend the text label on a file upload button; so that, there is 75% of the width that is label and 25% left for the button. The field size is selected as small so that there is only a button. The form definition has Label alignment selected as left and Label width as large. The attached files show my css and defined class on the field and resulting display. 


CSS class for file upload.jpg
field with class displayed.jpg
File upload display.jpg
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replied on September 4, 2024

This worked for me during a quick test (Version 11.0.2311.50556).

.fileuploader .field-label {flex: 75%!important;}
.fileuploader .cf-field {flex: 25%!important;}


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replied on September 4, 2024

You are the guru, Matthew. Thank you.

I'll have to lookup that flex setting.

Is field-label only for File Upload or is that the new designation for cf-label?


Thank You

Perfect Result.jpg
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replied on September 4, 2024

I believe the field-label class is the class that it being used for the labels on all field types in the Modern Designer.

Flex is the sizing/structure that is used in the Modern Designer.  It's more powerful and is better able to handle things like different size devices/browsers in a better manner than more traditional CSS structures - but it does take some getting used to.

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