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Clear value from Forms database

asked on September 3


 At the end of Forms process, I want to clear a field value from Forms database. So, I am setting that field to blank at the end of the process. I did see that by doing this, it is not clearing the value entirely from the database. It is storing the value from previous submissions. How can I clear the value of that field completely from Forms database?

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replied on September 3

Hi Priya,

There is no easy way on Forms interface to modify past submissions data, methods like Update Variable Values, workflow set business process variable can only take effect for on-going user tasks. If you want to update field value for past submissions, you need to do it on database directly, which we don't recommend doing so, unless you have a use case that must do it. If that's the case, please open a support case and let Laserfiche Support team help you.

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replied on September 3

Forms keeps the values from each individual submission so that you can go back and see what was submitted at each step of the process. Why are you wanting to delete a value from each submission that happened?

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replied on September 3 Show version history

Seconding "Why are you wanting to delete a value from each submission that happened?"

As a reminder to readers, while reading Laserfiche application database values is fine, modifying them without approval from Laserfiche Support/Dev/published documentation/etc.* is not officially supported for good reasons.

The Laserfiche Software Support Plans (LSSP) Terms and Conditions (at time of writing) states:

Software Support Plans strictly excludes coverage for malfunctions, problems and related service requests that are caused by: (a) alterations, additions, deletions, adjustments, or repairs unless directly caused by Laserfiche, its employees, Solution Providers, or subcontractors approved by Laserfiche in writing ...

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replied on September 4

Thank you all. We are doing this because, form has sensitive fields captured. We have enabled data maintenance in Forms. But as an extra precaution we want to remove the value as soon as they are not needed.

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replied on September 3

You can use the workflow activity the Set Business Process Variables to insert a NULL value into the form field before it completes.  

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