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Retrieve Entry ID in Workflow

asked on August 30, 2024

Hello everyone, I am using Forms version 11 and Workflow Designer version 11.0.2209.835

I have a form that is calling a workflow from the forms process diagram.  The workflow will save information submitted on the form to a SQL database table.  I would like to save the EntryID along with the form data.  The insert activity in the workflow writes the information to the table but the EntryID is always zero.  Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on why the EntryID is always zero?

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replied on August 30, 2024

You're calling the workflow from a Forms process, not from changes to an entry in the repository, which is why the entry ID is 0 - it doesn't reference an entry.

If your forms process is using a Save to Repository event before calling the workflow, and you are wanting to access that entry from the workflow, then the best action will be to have your workflow search for that entry in the repository.  If you are on Forms 11 Update 5 (11.0.2311) it does get the entry ID back from the Save to Repository event - but Workflow hasn't been updated yet to access that data from the Forms instance - so searching for the entry in the repository is going to be your best bet.

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replied on August 30, 2024

I am actually calling the workflow right after the form is submitted.

Is there something identifier that I can use?

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replied on August 30, 2024

I usually use the instance ID if I'm just looking for a unique identifier for the form instance.

When the full workflow is selected, click the link for "View workflow properties", and then check the box to indicate that the workflow was started by Forms.

Once that checkbox has been marked, you'll be able to access more tokens about the Forms instance that triggered the workflow, including the Instance ID, from anywhere that you can use tokens.

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replied on August 30, 2024

There is no entry ID with your setup because the form has not been saved to the repository at the point where your process calls this workflow.

What do you expect the "entry ID" to be in the SQL table? Are you just looking for a primary key value or do they have some meaning to whoever will be consuming the data?

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replied on September 4, 2024

Thank you Miruna and Matthew for your replies.  I was trying to save a unique identifier in the table so I can update the record later in the process.  Your answers got me going in the right direction.  I'm new to Laserfiche and I am still learning.  Thanks again!

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replied on September 4, 2024

You're very welcome.  That's why this community exists - and why so many of us are adamant about paying forward all the help we have received over the years.

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