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calculations/totals on forms

asked on August 28

I have a old form for mileage on Forms 10, now Im updating them on forms 11.  And my calculations are giving me errors on ALL my calculation fields at the time of submission not design.  I have attached a SS of one of the errors along with the formula along with an additional formula, they both show the same error wording.


I have multiple different totals that rely on show/hide fields but only 1 selectable radio button.  Ie, *mileage, *per diem, *HQ Travel x trips taken)


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replied on August 28 Show version history

I had some similar issues when moving to Forms 11.  I believe setting a default value for the field helped.  That, or add logic to the field calculation to set a value when used fields are blank.

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replied on August 28 Show version history

Your formulas are not constructed correctly and maybe that  is what Forms is catching.

In the Mileage Cost formula you have =PRODUCT(Miles_traveled*Current_GSA_Rate) 

When using PRODUCT, what that should look like is =PRODUCT(Miles_traveled,Current_GSA_Rate) as you are telling it to provide the product of these two fields. Otherwise you could just use =(Miles_traveled*Current_GSA_Rate) 

Same as in the second Formula, I would construct that as either
=(Interdivision_Travel*FULL_days_of_travel+Toll_Parking_Amount) or as 


Hope this helps

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replied on August 28

When updating all the formulas to remove PRODUCT , I still get the same error message when using only =.


Then tried Audras advice:

@████████ also placing default of "0" still throws the same errors.

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replied on August 28

Darn.  Did you set defaults in all fields involved in the calculation?

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replied on September 4 Show version history

Is the Current_GSA_Rate and Miles_Travelled number fields? If one is a Single-Line field try using VALUE(fieldname) to get the formula to treat it like a number

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