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laserfiche cloud (Forms Data)

asked on August 5, 2024 Show version history

Good day i would like to ask how can i solve this.i need to be able to send all the data in the form collection but currently it only send the information of the first username displayed but the others are not displayed 

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replied on August 5, 2024

I think you need to create a token and select Allow token to have multiple values.


Then you need to run For Each Row activity on collection fields and assign the user names on the token


To finalize you can create another token like "Email Final" and assign the multivalue token to this. Then go to Token Dialog, check Apply Index and select "All values separated by = Comma".

This will put your usernames as one string on the email final token.

Then you can put this token to Email.


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replied on August 5, 2024

That's likely unnecessary. You could just use formatting on the multi-value input parameter that brings in your form data.

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replied on August 5, 2024

In particular, I believe Miruna is suggesting using the Index functionality of tokens (e.g., via the token editor dialog) to access all of the values of a multi-value token:


If you need to do anything complicated with each value, however, you'll probably want to go the route Onur suggested.

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