I have web requests in a workflow that call the Laserfiche API to start an asynchronous search task and then retrieve the results. I am having issues with the concurrency limits in the workflow and getting this error: "{"type":"requestLimitExceeded","title":"Error: Operation could not be started. Ensure you have not reached the global/session limit and try again....".
I solved this by delaying the time between web request calls for 5 minutes in the workflow but this slows down the workflow by a lot. I found in the documentation about service limits (https://doc.laserfiche.com/laserfiche.documentation/en-us/Default.htm#../Subsystems/ProcessAutomation/Content/Resources/Service-Limits.htm#LaserficheAPIlimits) that there are "best practices of deleting search operations when the results are no longer needed".
So how do we delete search operations to free up space because in the API documentation I only see information on starting the search task and retrieving results, not about deleting search tasks.