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Spinner/Hourglass during Lookup Rule

asked on August 1, 2024


Has anyone successfully added a spinner, hourglass, "loading text", etc. to their form when a lookup rule(s) is taking place?  I was successful in getting it added using the HTML, CSS, and first part of the JS to hide it on this thread,, but I'm unable to get it to show during the actual lookup.

I have two fields (one or the other based off field rules) that are used to pull in approx. 10 other variables.  Is someone willing to help or share what worked for them?  Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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replied on August 1, 2024

You may want to upgrade to get this functionality.  Forms version 11 includes a spinner during lookups as a standard functionality.

I'm not certain if it was included in the original Forms 11 release or came in one of the updates, but I feel like I've seen it since at least Forms 11 Update 2.  The current version is Forms 11 Update 5 (Version 11.0.2311).

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replied on August 1, 2024

Thank you, sir!  We have to make some infrastructure upgrades before we plan to move to 11.  From what I hear, it seems to be pretty nifty.  We're still on for right now.

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