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On form submission, download/print not complete form.

asked on July 31, 2024

I am trying to print or download a form so we can have the paper option available to those select few who need it, but each time it doesn't print the entire document. It will print the first two pages, but there should be a third page.

I also tried saving it to the repository, but it is still leaving out the additional page.

My form consists of radio button fields, html fields for information, and a multiline field. It is dropping after the third html field. The multiline field follows the third html field.

We have never had this happen with the older versions, so I'm not sure what is happening now. We are on version 11, but it was a recent update.

Any ideas on a solution?

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replied on July 31, 2024

The first thing I'd look at is the HTML content in that field and any CSS/JS you have configured; it's possible something is interfering with the form since the HTML for saved/printed copies is not the same as what is generated for the interactive web form.

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replied on July 31, 2024

I'm not sure why, but the section was cutting it off. As soon as I moved the fields outside the section, it worked.

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replied on July 31, 2024

Hi Mary,

We've seen similar bugs reported before, that the saved form could be cutoff with the new form designer under some circumstances, can you open a support ticket for better investigation?

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