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Where is my remote agent folder?

asked on July 31, 2024 Show version history

After installing the remote agent with the script plug-in, I can not find or set the remote agent folder in the configurator.

When I open the configurator is shows a worker

It just says SQL Agent, but I selected both SQL and Script

If I click the gear I just see Worker Name, Account ID, and Remote Agent Name.

What happened to script folder?

This folder certainly does not exist even when you have Server installed on the same machine.

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replied on July 31, 2024

Hi Chad,

By default, the remote worker 1 is installed to C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\ProcessAutomationWorkerAgent\LFPALocalAgent, and scripts must be located within the above installation folder.

Optionally you can modify plugin_settings.json in the above installation folder to allow the worker to access additional paths.

 More info: Getting Started With Scripts (

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