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Forms Archive Error: Sequence contains no matching element

asked on July 26

Getting this error trying to archive from a new forms server but can not make any sense of it. Everything verifies without error when creating the profile, but upon submission it suspends with this error.

Inner exception: System.InvalidOperationException Message: Sequence contains no matching element at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate) at FormsModel.RoutingModels.Services.SaveToLaserficheHelper.OpenSessionAndSave(IEntityContext _AppContext, Int32 STLRepositoryId, List`1 STLConfigList, XmlDocument datasetXml, ISaveToLaserficheStrategy saveToLaserficheStrategy, String timeZone) at FormsModel.RoutingModels.Services.SaveToLaserficheHelper.SaveToLaserfiche(IEntityContext _AppContext, Int32 STLRepositoryId, List`1 STLConfigList, XmlDocument datasetXml, ISaveToLaserficheStrategy saveToLaserficheStrategy, String timeZone) at Laserfiche.Forms.Routing.SaveToLaserficheService.Execute(Int32 instanceId, IRoutingContext routingContext, RoutingInstanceStatus OriginalStatus)

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replied on July 28

Hi Chad,

From the error message, it seems the configuration with main form configuration in STR step is broken, can you download the process, open in a editor that can format XML file, and search with stlConfList, like here

Find the problematic step id, and the stlConfList should has a attachmentId:0 attribute, if it's not there, it means the process is somehow broken on this step.

Btw, what is the Forms version in use? And if the process is too complicated to search, you can open a support ticket for better help.

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replied on July 29

Having trouble reproducing it this morning, instead it is throwing a new unrelated error. This was just a quick test process I created to save a blank form though after a new install, nothing old that suddenly got corrupted. In any case, it seems the error has been replaced with something I can understand better now related to a directory not being found in Windows. Creating a new post as the error is different and unrelated to this original error.

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