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Able to connect via power shell to web service but not from workflow designer

asked on July 25

I am able to connect via power shell script from workflow server to web service but not from workflow designer. When the workflow runs, it fails with Bad Gateway, Operation timed out. Any thoughts please?

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replied on July 25

What are you trying to do? If you are attempting to use Powershell from a workflow to launch the Workflow Designer, it's not supported.

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replied on July 25

I'd guess it's a Web Request activity in Workflow throwing the error, and an Invoke-WebRequest from PowerShell on the same server to (hopefully) the same URI that's connecting. Trying to connect from PowerShell (or similar) from the same machine one of the first things I'd do to sanity check certain network connectivity issues.

The difference in behavior here, especially with Bad Gateway (generally a proxy error) makes me suspicious that there may be a forward HTTP proxy in the chain. Forward proxy settings in Windows are configured at the user account level. The AD user account running the PowerShell command may be allowed to reach this web service through the proxy, but the Workflow service identity is not. If Workflow is running as Local System rather than an AD service account, the proxy settings allowing the connection must be applied to the AD Computer account for the Workflow server.

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replied on July 31

Thanks Sam. Workflow is running as the same AD service account. We are seeing that when run from workflow, it is appending the "expect": "100-continue" in the header. Is it possible to suppress this please? We are thinking that may be Boomi is not liking this.

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