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Javascript not working on Forms

asked on July 25


We are facing issues with JavaScript not working on forms.  Please note we had recently migrated the client to cloud and would like to know if that has any impact on the rest of it. The older processes which has JS are working, its the new one which seems to be failing.



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replied on July 25 Show version history

If you switched to the new designer, the JavaScript works very differently.

In the newer Forms Layout Designer, JavaScript runs in a sandbox so it cannot interact with the form elements directly, and all actions must be done through the new LFForm object API.

Javascript in the Forms Designer (

There are other changes as well, for example, jQuery is not loaded by default, so JavaScript built for the classic designer must be rewritten for the new designer, and functionality is more limited.

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replied on July 25

If you can provide some of the JS snippets I can help you convert them to their LFForm equivalents

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