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Checked Out Documents report in excel

asked on July 22

Greetings, community I'm attempting to get a report that includes particular metadata for every document that has been checked out of our repository. I've included screenshots of the steps taken to find out how many files were checked out, but I'm unsure how to print a report from the activity results page. Is there a method for me to get the same outcome, please?

1co.png (19.3 KB)
2co.png (14.23 KB)
3co.png (228.23 KB)
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replied on July 23

That UI doesn't have a way to generate a report, but the search results grid does. You can get that same list of entries by running the search syntax `{LF:CheckOutUser="*"}` and then choosing the "Generate Report" toolbar option.

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replied on July 23

Thank you so much; that's exactly what I need.

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