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How can a participant license user move files saved in repository?

asked on July 10, 2024

We need partcipant license users to copy shortcut of files saved in repository and paste the shortcuts in different folder in the repository. 

If we create a form and add file sets field on the form, is it possible for participant license user to select files from repository and then provide the destination folder id on the form, which can be used by a workflow to move the shortcut link to the destination folder?

Is it mandatory to set the destination folder while creating a file set? is it possible to provide the destination folder id by a workflow to a file set?

Please advice.

Thank you

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replied on July 10, 2024

Hey Pallavi,

Based on this, participant licensed users can only view the repository.

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replied on July 10, 2024

What is the use case for this?  It would be possible to have a shortcut created depending on a template field and a template field can be set with a form.

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replied on July 10, 2024

when client uploads a document which has answers pertaining to multiple projects, we want the document to be stored in 1 project folder and the shortcut link of that document to be stored in the rest of the project folders instead of copying the document to all project folders.

This needs to be done by participant users, how can they achieve this? is it possible to create a process and can workflow achieve this if the participant user uploads or imports the document using file set on a form and provide a destination folder ID for workflow to create a short cut link. 

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replied on July 17, 2024

You can have the business process save documents into the repository and a workflow that picks up the document creation and creates shortcuts.

If you want participants to make any changes to the repository directly, then they would need full user licenses.

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replied on July 18, 2024


You can absolutely create a form (use your template fields and fields on the form) for the upload of the documents with a file upload that the participant can attach.  In the forms process set the template fields when the file is saved, then with a workflow the shortcuts can be created.

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replied on July 18, 2024

Hi Miruna, the documents are already in the repository, we want to save a shortcut of the doucment in a different folder.

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replied on July 18, 2024

You can create a form with the document entry ID as one of the fields in the form and the rest of the template fields and then have a workflow called from forms that creates the shortcut.  The workflow can search for the entry ID and when found, create the shortcut.

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replied on July 19, 2024 Show version history

Hi Katy,

Is it possible to a copy a shortcut of one file into multiple folders in the repository via a workflow?

Please advice.

Thank you.

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replied on July 22, 2024

Yes, you would just create a shortcut to the original entry in each folder, using one activity per shortcut.

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replied on July 22, 2024 Show version history

Could you please tell me where I'm going wrong in this workflow. With the current design, in Input I have provided two request folder entry ID, but the workflow makes a copy twice in first request folder and not the other.

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replied on July 22, 2024

Looks like you are only finding one entry.  And one specific folder file.  How are you finding the requested folder(s)?


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replied on July 22, 2024

I'm using the search repository activity to find the destination folder. Yes I see it only finds one request folder and not the other request folder. How can I rectify that?

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replied on July 22, 2024

Here is what I came up with.  You would need to retrieve the values for the directories, and for the Entry ID from the forms process.


TestCreateShortcuts in 2 places.png
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replied on July 22, 2024

Is it possible to retrieve the values for request folder from the workflow. User can provide the request folder name and workflow should provide the entry id. This is for the destination folders, User can provide the entry ID of the file which has to be shortcut to these destination folders.

For this scenario how can I modify the workflow?

In Assign Shortcut directories, I'm providing the folder names of the request folder, not the entry Id of the request folder, is it possible to retrieve multiple entry ID depending on the folder names provided?

Please and thank you.

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replied on July 23, 2024

So the users can see the folders, correct?  Can they copy/paste the folder directory address into a form or are they standard based on like a department or some other value in the template?

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replied on July 23, 2024

Yes the user can find the entry ID of the destination folder, But in the above design, move entry to current value, are we retrieving the path to the folder? When I tested this, the shortcut file was saved in the root folder of the repository. 

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replied on July 24, 2024

I was not using the ID of the destination folder, I was using the path to the destination folder in my workflow.

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