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Form Fields Stop Working and Become Read Only

asked on June 13

Has anyone else found the modern forms designer to have issues where fields will just stop working?  For instance, I have a form.  In preview mode, the form behaves as expected.

When I launch the live form, the same table comes up with three of the fields as read only as shown below.

If I click into the currency field, that field then becomes read only.

And... Just to add to my feelings of madness... on rare occasion, the live form DOES work as expected.


Sometimes when this happens, I can delete the variable and create a new copy of it and it works again, but another random field may then begin to start failing.

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replied on June 13

I would check a few things. In the preview mode toggle the step to iterate through your process and see if any of them reproduce your readonly issue. 
check the field rules on your form to look for any conditions making the form readonly. 
check the user tasks and starting event in the process designer. The form tab has a setting for “make form readonly”

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replied on June 13

It is only the one section, but I will check all of the things you mentioned. :)  Thank you!

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replied on June 13

It is really weird that it isn't all fields in the row/section. If any field is editable then its not the setting in the process diagram, it would be either JavaScript or field rules in that case

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replied on June 13

So, do you know of any documentation or guidance on rules that can help me identify conflict?  I have gotten pretty good with building forms and processes, but know that there is something with rules that can cause funky behavior.  I don't think I have ever seen a rule that could allow something to be read only on a field that doesn't have read only set.


And there is no JavaScript in this form.  It is in the modern designer and I do not know how to add JavaScript although my IT department has said that the version we are on now supports it.

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replied on June 13

Unfortunately our documentation does not get much into troubleshooting steps, but this is something we're trying to fix! Here is the field rules page in our documentation although I do not think it will help here.

The term used in field rules is 'Disabled' as it only emulates readonly, you could skim your field rules for this term. It should look like this

If that doesn't find anything let me know and if its ok I can reach out over email and grab a copy of your process to test it out.

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