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Feature Request: Create LFForms Object Script from Field Rules

asked on May 31, 2024 Show version history

As more and more features are added to the LFForms Object in Forms, it would be great if when creating Field Rules, you were able to grab a corresponding script that would replicate the field rules. This would allow a user to replicate functionality without having to try and replicate field rules.

I see it working similar to when building a search in the repository and being able to see the Advanced Search Syntax.

It would also be nice to be able to export the LFForms Object from the Field Rules page and import into another form to recreate the field rules on the Field Rules page of another form so you would still have the interface.

5 0


replied on May 31, 2024

This is a really cool idea. I saw another post today that also highlighted the need for the ability to set whether or not the values are ignored when hiding fields via the LFForm object.

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replied on May 31, 2024

Yeah, that's what got me thinking about this idea actually. They mentioned that they are using the JavaScript for the LFForms object to easily replicate functionality across processes and forms.

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replied on June 4, 2024

This has me thinking about two things

  1. copy and pasting of field rules (matching field by name I suppose)
  2. supporting field rule syntax in the lfform object
    1. porting field rules to code using this syntax
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