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Share saved search

asked on May 14, 2024


If I shared a search with the "Everyone" group in the Web Client, shouldn't a user be able to see that same search in the LF Windows Client (Version 11 for both Web Client and Windows Client).

Appreciate the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

0 0


replied on May 14, 2024

Hi Jeff, the saved searches are not shared, because the two applications support different types of saved searches. We will look into improving this.

1 0
replied on May 14, 2024

Thanks Robert

So from some other LF Answer posts I have read, is the only way to make this happen in the Windows Client, is to create the same search in the Windows Client, save it, then export the Search Attribute from my Admin account and place it in the attributes of the user I want to have access to it?  If so, can I pull this attribute from a Named User Admin account and then apply it to a Windows Account in the LF Admin console (Customer licenses their users via LFDS)?

Appreciate the feedback,

Jeff Curtis

0 0


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