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Attach laserfiche document within Outlook & web links

asked on April 16

Hi Laserfiche,


I've just noticed the ability to attach a web client link within Outlook is missing when using the Attach Laserfiche Document button from within a draft email. You can currently only select Link (which creates a windows client LFE link/shortcut), or copy of the document.


(I'll attach the screenshots and the pasting of a picture isn't working on LF Answers at the moment).


Please can I add this as a feature/enhancement request?




Attach Laserfiche Document.jpg
Link Missing.png
Link Missing.png (21.36 KB)
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replied on April 16

Thanks for the feedback Chris, I'll be sure to discuss with my team!

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replied on April 23

Not sure if this is connected. But this seems to be available now in the latest version of the office integration (11.0.2401.562)

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