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Can we automatically retrieve files from an e-mail?

asked on April 12, 2024

Hello everyone!

Every day we receive email attachments that we need to integrate into an mssql database. With the Import Agent, it's possible to drag and drop the attachments into a windows folder to start processing; but is it possible to automate drag and drop from the email to a windows folder or directly to Laserfiche?


Thanks in advance.


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replied on April 12, 2024

You want email archiver.  Separate program, but it does exactly what you want.

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replied on April 12, 2024

Laserfiche Email Archive. It's bundled into the Import Agent 11 installer as a separate component.

Laserfiche Email Archive documentation

Laserfiche Email Archive allows you to automatically archive emails to a Laserfiche repository. Emails can be archived to multiple locations based on various conditions. Additionally, Laserfiche Email Archive can assign metadata to the messages and save email attachments.

How Does Laserfiche Email Archive Work?

Laserfiche Email Archive profiles use IMAP to periodically poll a monitored email folder for emails to send messages to Laserfiche. Your email server's settings can be used to determine which emails are moved to the monitored folder. Emails from that folder are then saved as EML electronic documents in a Laserfiche repository based on an import profile.

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