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Static Lookup Filter

posted on April 11

Hi all, 

Apologies if I haven't got the terminology right. Basically I'm trying to load up some data into a table, in this case Student details, I then want to filter those loaded results with a dropdown, however every time I filter, it re-runs the lookup. Is there a way to stop it re-running the lookup?

E.g here I want to filter by class via the dropdown



lookup.jpg (50.75 KB)
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replied on April 25

Got it, thanks for the explanation.


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replied on April 12

Based on your screenshot, I assume you are not referring to the built-in filter functionality that was introduced into tables and collections in the Modern Designer as part of Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 5 (version 11.0.2311).

It looks like it is just a field that is one of the fields triggering the lookup.  If that is the case, any changes to that field will always re-trigger the lookup.  That's just how the lookups work, they are not iterative, they are just a database query that runs in its entirety when it is triggered.

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