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Do form fields values get validated when populated by Workflow?

asked on April 2, 2024

We had a situation this morning where a currency field in Forms was populated by Workflow with a '-' in the middle of the number.

Do form fields not get validated when populated by a workflow or is this a Forms validation issue with allowing a dash in the middle of a number for a currency field?

We are using Forms 11.0.2311.50564 and Workflow 11.0.2306.898.

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replied on April 2, 2024

as far as I know there isn't validation on set/load, but it should be re-validated on submit. if this is a readonly field that is surely problematic. For example, updating variables from the monitor page has no validation either.

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replied on April 2, 2024

I don't think the fields populated from Workflow do much (if any) validation.

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