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Emailing Copy from Forms Thank You - Change " You're recieving this email because someone requested that you get a copy of this form "

asked on April 1, 2024 Show version history

After a form is submitted, a Thank You page is displayed with the option to print, download or email a copy of the form.

If the submitter chooses to email a copy the form is emailed.  The text of the email that accompanies the copy of the form into the desired email account includes what was configured in Forms, but also in small print at the bottom:

You're receiving this email because someone requested that you get a copy of this form.

I have an agency that has requested an edit.  Can this text (You're receiving this email because someone requested that you get a copy of this form.) be edited?  If so, where would I access it?



The suggested new verbiage is:

A copy of this form was requested by the submitter.  Retain for your records.

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replied on April 14, 2024

Hi Christine,

This is a default font note provided by Forms, it's a built-in string so that you cannot edit it.

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replied on April 15, 2024

Thank you Zhiyong, 
This is what I thought, but had to ask.

Appreciate your response.


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