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image resolution

asked on April 1, 2024

Hi All, there are a few cases where our scanned images are not good quality/barely viewable.

-Tickets/citations, that inspectors write for violations, on a yellow paper. 

-Paper that has writing in pencil

-Older faded images on paper

We have played with the various tools to try to increase contrast, adjust darkness, use greyscale etc... but have not come up with anything that works.

Do you have any tricks that helps with cases like this?





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replied on April 1, 2024

Unfortunately for bad scans/orginals we usually default to Kofax VRS Elite which has been rebranded to Tungsten VRS Elite. Depending on your scanner model may come with one of their licenses.

They have a trial, but it is not inexpensive, however depending on your workflow may be worth it. They do have a free trial.

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replied on April 1, 2024

If you have access to Capture Profiles (Cloud only), it uses a different OCR engine than every other product (Scanning, Quick Fields, repository OCR) that is
1) generally much more accurate, including with poor quality situations
2) can read handwriting

Aside from Capture Profiles, I think your best bet is to set up a human review process.  My recommendation would be to use Quick Fields (or Quick Fields Scanning) because there's a lot of quality-of-life improvements you can make for the reviewer (zoom fields, hot keys, real time lookup to auto-populate fields, etc.).

However, I, too, am curious to know what other community members have done to handle this situation.

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replied on April 1, 2024

Thanks Jacob, we use quickfields and worked with our vendor to try various quality settings and nothing helps.  I'm assuming that some things just don't scan well no matter what you do.  I'll check to see if we can use Capture and give that a try.



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replied on April 1, 2024

That looks like a great option to try John, thank you!   We are running a bit low on our scanning support so, in general, if we install that software on our scan computer is it difficult to switch back and forth between that and what we curently use?  We use quickfields.  

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replied on April 1, 2024

Nope not difficult at all. Laserfiche detects it as a completely different Scan engine, so you can toggle back and forth easily.

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