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Laserfiche API - Generate Pages?

asked on March 26, 2024

Can there be a generate pages option for the Laserfiche API similar to the Forms Generate Pages on Archive feature? This way when PDFs are received, pages can be generated automatically?

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replied on March 26, 2024

Yes please.  I think this is a feature in the Cloud api v2.



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replied on March 26, 2024

I don't actually see a Generate Pages option for the Cloud Repository Web API v2 ImportEntry call.

That said, for self-hosed Laserfiche systems, I would highly recommend using Distributed Computing Cluster (DCC) for this through Workflow's Schedule PDF Generation activity. It uses a different and more modern PDF handling library than other Laserfiche products, which typically produces higher quality results.

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replied on March 27, 2024

I was going by this what I read in this announcement:

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replied on March 27, 2024

I did not know that there was a server side Generate Pages available now. I will plan to install DSS and try it out.

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replied on March 27, 2024

@████████ turns out you have to select "Try it out" to see the full set of ImportEntry request body options. Most of them aren't listed in the Parameters list for some reason - working on getting that updated.

The "generateText" and "generatePages" options are right there:



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