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Table cut off in PDF of LFForm with page split

asked on March 20, 2024 Show version history

Self-Hosted Forms 11 Update 5 (11.0.2311.50553)

I just noticed something odd with a PDF that was created from a Forms submission using Save to Repository. It looks like when a table is split between two pages, the table is cut off. The text is mostly there, since I'm able to double click and copy/paste; punctuation is missing, replaced by a space. If the full table resides on one page, it looks okay with the same number of rows or more. I know we can honor page breaks when creating the PDF, but this would lead to a lot of blank space on pages and an otherwise unnecessary increased page count. I have also opened a ticket with our VAR.


Should have 7 rows

All eight rows showing


After further testing to find a workaround, I found it's not just tables. I had a multi-line comment field also have its last line truncated when it was split between pages.

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replied on October 18, 2024

Okay, now for the actual answer. This is apparently a known bug that was recently discovered. If you check with your SP or Laserfiche Support, it's bug #508351. Hopefully it will be included in v12.

My previous "answer" of removing the custom CSS only worked because it allowed the problem fields to land differently on the PDF during my tests. However, as the forms were completed differently, with differing number of lines, rows, etc, it was still an issue.

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replied on March 21, 2024

It looks like I've found the issue, and it's essentially user error. I was using the below CSS to reduce the unnecessary whitespace  padding the fields. Although everything looks great when the fields reside on a single page, if a field spans a page break the bottom of the field is cut off. Commenting out this code resolved the issue.

.fl-component {
  padding-top: 0px !important;
  padding-bottom: 0px !important;


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replied on October 18, 2024

Okay, now for the actual answer. This is apparently a known bug that was recently discovered. If you check with your SP or Laserfiche Support, it's bug #508351. Hopefully it will be included in v12.

My previous "answer" of removing the custom CSS only worked because it allowed the problem fields to land differently on the PDF during my tests. However, as the forms were completed differently, with differing number of lines, rows, etc, it was still an issue.

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replied on July 16, 2024

Time to raise this issue again. Commenting out the 0px padding resolved this for the final copy saved to the repository; however, I have since learned that it's not a complete fix. I have an approval step that attaches the current form to the notification. In the notification, the final line is truncated, but the same request is complete in the repo.

Notification Attachment


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