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Error When Searching Audit Trail After Upgrading to 11.0.2306.3549

asked on March 15, 2024

I recently upgraded Audit Trail to version 11.0.2306.3549, and now I'm getting an error that says "Failed to retrieve audit data. Please contact your administrator for help." followed by a long alphanumeric "OperationID" value, whenever I try to search for anything.

I'm having a difficult time finding any information regarding what this error means or determining what the issue is.  I don't see any errors in the Event Viewer for Audit Trail (but there are some warnings about the full-text search, but they don't seem to include any text about the error message mentioned above or the OperationID value that is included).

Anyone have any suggestions?

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replied on March 18, 2024

The stack trace here makes it clear the issue is still on the LFFTS side.



General error: Invalid catalog status for the operation for the search catalog LfAudit_###


at Laserfiche.FTSClient.IFtsBasic.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId, Boolean withSystemDefined)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecuteNoUsing[U](Func`1 func)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecute[U](Func`1 func)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.TFtsClient`1.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId)

As you don't have any realistic way to repair the existing FTS catalog, I'd recommend just deleting and recreating it from within the Audit Trail configuration interface. Audit Trail will automatically re-populate the catalog with in-scope audit data pulled from Laserfiche Server or the Forms Audit Log directory, as applicable.

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replied on March 18, 2024

Hi, Matthew,


The "failed to retrieve audit data" error is often caused by issue with full-text search (such as that a catalog is somehow stopped). The warning you see in Event Viewer should give a hint for resolution.

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replied on March 18, 2024

So I noticed that the service for the Full-Text search isn't starting automatically after server reboot (despite being set to automatic start).  I don't know why that is.

But even after starting the service, I'm still seeing the error in Audit Trail, and I then see warnings like this in the Even Viewer: 

Failed to retrieve audit data. Please contact your administrator for help. 
Stack trace:
   at Laserfiche.AuditAnalytics.ReportService.Utilities.FtsFieldsHelper..ctor(CatalogDetails catalog)
   at Laserfiche.AuditAnalytics.ReportService.Utilities.FtsFieldsHelperCacher.GetOrAddFieldsHelper(String schemaId, IEnumerable`1 catalogs)
Inner resource:
General error: Invalid catalog status for the operation for the search catalog LfAudit_55a73a15-3af1-4927-8413-c7b20e(55a73a15-3af1-4927-8413-c7b20ecf27bf). 
Type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Laserfiche.SearchUtility.FtsFaultContract]
Stack trace:

Server stack trace: 
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]: 
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at Laserfiche.FTSClient.IFtsBasic.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId, Boolean withSystemDefined)
   at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecuteNoUsing[U](Func`1 func)
   at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecute[U](Func`1 func)
   at Laserfiche.FTSClient.TFtsClient`1.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId)
   at Laserfiche.AuditAnalytics.ReportService.Utilities.FtsFieldsHelper.AutoRetry[T](FtsClient client, Func`2 func, Int32 retry)
   at Laserfiche.AuditAnalytics.ReportService.Utilities.FtsFieldsHelper..ctor(CatalogDetails catalog)


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replied on March 18, 2024

The stack trace here makes it clear the issue is still on the LFFTS side.



General error: Invalid catalog status for the operation for the search catalog LfAudit_###


at Laserfiche.FTSClient.IFtsBasic.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId, Boolean withSystemDefined)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecuteNoUsing[U](Func`1 func)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.FtsClientBase`1.ClientBaseExecute[U](Func`1 func)

at Laserfiche.FTSClient.TFtsClient`1.ListHighlevelIndexingMetadata(String catalogId)

As you don't have any realistic way to repair the existing FTS catalog, I'd recommend just deleting and recreating it from within the Audit Trail configuration interface. Audit Trail will automatically re-populate the catalog with in-scope audit data pulled from Laserfiche Server or the Forms Audit Log directory, as applicable.

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replied on March 18, 2024

Just the act of going to the "Search Catalogs" page of the Audit Trail Configuration was causing the LFFTS service to stop on the server, so if I tried to delete one of the catalogs, it just says "Failed to connect to Laserfiche Full-text Indexing and Search service." (which makes sense since the service isn't running by that point).

I ended up going to the server location and renaming the Catalogs folder to Catalogs_OLD and restarting the service again.  Now it isn't killing the service when I go to that page, it's show the catalogs with green checkmarks instead of red x's, and trying to do a search I get a message stating "Audit data is in preparing, please wait for a while and try again later.", which appears to be a drastic improvement over the previous messages.

Thank you so much @████████ and @████████

I think this might be fixed now - I'll update again once the "preparing" is complete.


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replied on March 18, 2024

Looks like it is all working now.  Thanks again!

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