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How to use Laserfiche Cloud query operator 'in'

asked on March 13

It appears that the operator 'in' would allow you to query the values of an array.  How can I create an array for it to use?  I have tried using the results of another query directly and making those results into a multi value token, but I haven't had any luck.  Either I get no results or I get the error 'Input string was not in a correct format.'  The values are numeric if that matters.

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replied on March 13

The condition does not currently support injecting the list from a token. Any token value specified would be considered a single value.

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replied on March 13 Show version history

That is good to know. 

Can I ask how one would use the 'in' operator in a query?  It references what it does in the manual but an example would be helpful.


Thank you for the fast reply too!

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replied on March 13

Oh, you meant in queries in rules not in conditions in workflows. That looks like a bug with how data is passed to the query. We'll investigate.

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