I have a workflow that converts pdf file uploads from a pdf to a tiff (using DCC). I then add a text box (date stamp) to the first page of the tiff. The tiff is then stored in Laserfiche.
When viewing the tiff image in the Laserfiche Client and Laserfiche Web Client and Weblink, I can see the date stamp. It appears as black text.
If I try to print the tiff from Weblink, Weblink generates a pdf (of the tiff). The date stamp does not appear to be there. However, I noticed that if I hover over the area where I expect the date stamp to be, the date stamp is there, but the text is white. White on White does not show up. There is a little editor that comes up when I hover over the text that allows me to change it's color so it then shows up on the newly converted pdf. There is also an option to trash the date stamp.
What I need is for the date stamp to appear in black, and to not have the option for deleting it.
Can anyone provide assistance?