Every time I use the Retry option from the Monitor page it throws the same error that an object reference is not set to an instance of an object. However testing the rule works perfectly fine.
So I know if it truly was retrying the rule, it would work and as a workaround I just copied the rule in the BP diagram and published to all instances like this:
Then I skipped the rule instead, so it would truly retry the rule and now it succeeded.
I have had a case open for over a week now to get the object reference errors fixed and meanwhile dozens of processes are getting stuck so I want a way to have this done automatically anytime a rule will not run.
There is no timer event available on rules and no try catch though. How do I get the process to retry if it runs into an error so that things don't just sit there?
People are not getting notified, submissions are not getting seen by the departments that need to know about them. It is a major hold up in the BP and the rule is necessary to continue the process as it looks up who is responsible for the submission.