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Can you use data collected in a previous form into a different form?

asked on February 9, 2024

We have a scenario where we will be collecting some employee information in Q1 (FormA). In Q4, we will initiate a different form collecting additional information (FormB). Is it possible to pull the information collected from FormA into FormB?

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replied on February 9, 2024

You could use a timer activity in the process to keep it out of their inbox, but personally I don't like making a process sit for that long if I can avoid it.  I would go the database route.

It will require a workflow to push the information from the first process into the database.

Process 1 takes the form details then triggers a workflow that takes the form fields and pushes them to the database table.  It would need to include some way to link back to this data on the second process.  Maybe that's just the username or some other unique identifier.

Process 2 uses that unique identifier (which is why the username is a good choice) to look up the values from the first form to load into the second form.

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replied on February 9, 2024

It's unclear if you are referring to two forms in the same process/instance, which is pretty easy to do this, or if you are referring to two completely different process/instances, in which case you'll need something to work around it, like a custom database table to store the values from the first submission to be looked up on the second submission.

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replied on February 9, 2024

I would think that it would have to be two completely different processes. One form will be used at the beginning of the year and one at the end. I could add it as the next step in the process, but that would mean it would sit in the manager's inbox for a year until they are ready to proceed. I know I can use a lookup rule to pull in data, but how do I output the data to a custom table? Would that require a workflow task?

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replied on February 9, 2024

You could use a timer activity in the process to keep it out of their inbox, but personally I don't like making a process sit for that long if I can avoid it.  I would go the database route.

It will require a workflow to push the information from the first process into the database.

Process 1 takes the form details then triggers a workflow that takes the form fields and pushes them to the database table.  It would need to include some way to link back to this data on the second process.  Maybe that's just the username or some other unique identifier.

Process 2 uses that unique identifier (which is why the username is a good choice) to look up the values from the first form to load into the second form.

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replied on February 12, 2024 Show version history

Thanks Matthew,


     I am going to try push the data to a seperate table. Time to sharpen my Workflow skills. Thanks for the advice!

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replied on February 12, 2024

@████████This worked perfectly! It was just wanted I needed. Thanks so much!

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replied on February 12, 2024

You're very welcome - I'm glad it worked for you.  smiley

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