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Aspire Videos Should be 'free' without logging in?

asked on February 8, 2024

Hi All,


We were just discussing this internally, and I'm struggling to understand the logic behind why the 'free' videos are behind a login on Laserfiche Aspire. 


It's quite often where we get requests on the service desk relating to user training, i.e. 'How do I print from Laserfiche?', and it would be great to be able to send the user a link to an aspire video outlining how to do this (which incidentally there isn't a way to share video links currently either but that's a whole other story), without the inconvenience of having to register them on the LF support site.


Is this platform approach something that can be considered please?

Maybe something like a Laserfiche Training youtube channel might work?




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replied on February 8, 2024

Hi Chris,

Tutorial videos are also available on our Video Gallery page, as well as in the product documentation: self-hosted and Cloud

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replied on February 9, 2024

Thanks Joanna, 


This is really helpful, I was completely unaware this video gallery existed!

What would be really useful is a shortcut adding somewhere on the support home page maybe? (the current video tutorials link takes you to aspire, maybe this can be updated to video library instead)




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