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Feature Request: Show Width Number When Adjusting Fields

asked on February 6, 2024 Show version history

I have been doing a lot of work lately on a new Forms process using the Layout Designer in version 11. The form I am working on contains a lot of side-by-side fields and tables with various columns. The users I am working with on the form design want the fields (especially in the table) specific widths, but not all the same. For example, we have 4 columns that list names, and each of those 4 columns have a corresponding column with a dollar value. They want the name fields the same width and the currency fields the same width. While I continue to adjust them, save, preview, adjust, save, preview, etc. I was wondering if a better option could be created to make this easier.

Would it be possible to add a feature to the Forms Layout Designer so when you grabbed the edge of a field or table column, that it displayed a number for all the fields that are in line with each other and adjusted as you adjusted the width of each field? Something like this is what I am envisioning:

This would make it easier to see what the width of the fields or columns actually are so you can spend less time adjusting them.

4 0


replied on February 7, 2024

I am currently in the process of redesigning the duplicate/trash/move icons on the top right of the field. As a part of that I think it would be helpful to provide the width of the field as an input here. I am also exploring the possibility of supporting width adjustments with multi-select

6 0
replied on February 7, 2024


0 0
replied on February 8, 2024

It would also be nice to be able to adjust the field width just by "click>drag".  For example, you put 1 field on a line and it consumes the entire width of the line.  It would be nice to be able to adjust the width without adding another hidden field or two to the line to get the field width you want.

3 0
replied on February 8, 2024

Will add that in as well!

0 0
replied on February 6, 2024


Show the width values like this and let us type in a specific number too!

2 0
replied on February 6, 2024

Yes, this would be an awesome feature for defining tables etc. 

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