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Setting Cloud Workflow Instance Name/Status

asked on February 6

With on-prem Workflow, we have activities to set the Workflow instance's name and status using tokens.  This is incredibly useful to see current status of long-running workflows, quickly see at a glance key info regarding the Workflow, and speed up searching for a specific instance in search results.  In Cloud, while we still have these fields, I cannot find a way to actually populate them with tokens from the Workflow.  What's even more odd is that the Instance Name is the same as the Instance ID, almost as if it is a placeholder until they add this functionality down the road.  Has anyone found a way to update the instance name/status for a Cloud Workflow with custom tokens?  If not, anyone heard if this is a feature we have coming?

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replied on February 7

Naming instances and setting their status is part of Laserfiche business process functionality which is not currently supported in Laserfiche Cloud.


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replied on February 7

Is this on an upcoming list of enhancements or at least something that is being looked at adding at some point?

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replied on February 7

We are looking at allowing users to start processes directly from the repository. Though, the functionality may not be identical with self-hosted versions of Laserfiche.

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replied on February 7

That is wonderful news as that is a feature we are often asked about by our Cloud customers.  Especially those that are migrating from on-prem to Cloud.  Thanks for the info!

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