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What type of gateway to use for this Laserfiche Forms process?

asked on January 23, 2024

Hello, another (probably) simple question from a novice. I am using Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 11.0.2212.30987 Classic.

I have a workflow that routes a Volunteer Application to certain staff members depending on a form variable. Staff is notified and can then approve, reject or require additional screening. That part is working, but I want the submitters to receive an email with the status/decision.

I know I need some sort of gateway, but I don't know which kind. When I did an exclusive gateway and connected it between the Email Staff and Review and Email Applicant steps, it didn't work, or I had them connected wrong. Any suggestions? Thank you!

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replied on January 23, 2024

Do you require all of the Email Staff and Review Tasks to be completed before moving to the Email Applicant steps? If not, then you don't need a closing gateway, if you do, then put an inclusive gateway on the right and have the task all go to them before moving to the Email Applicant stage activities.

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replied on January 23, 2024

Thank you! I would need the staff review completed first to know which email template to send the applicant (the approved email, additional screening or denied). I am trying an inclusive gateway, but it sounds like I might need a closing gateway first based on your response. I also think I have it configured incorrectly judging by the number of red errors! 

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replied on January 24, 2024 Show version history

Note that you cannot close paths (merge) and open paths (split) using the same gateway object.  You'll need two gateways, one to merge the paths incoming from the reviews, and then a separate one to split out the paths for the emails.

Having an inclusive gateway for the merge after the reviews will wait for all active paths to reach it before proceeding.

If you have an exclusive gateway for the split before the emails, it will only run the first "true" path it reaches.

Here's the help documentation that explains the different gateways and how they work for splits and merges.

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replied on January 24, 2024

I agree with Matthew. As long as there is only one review to be completed, the way to handle this would be to merge all of the review out flows to a single exclusive gateway, send the output from that exclusive gateway to another exclusive gateway, then split the output from that second exclusive gateway to your email tasks based upon the previous user action.

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replied on January 25, 2024

Thank you, this is how I will approach it. Big thanks Kevin and Matthew!

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replied on January 25, 2024

You're welcome.

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replied on January 23, 2024

Are you trying to do parallel approvals? If so, that will greatly change the approach. They way you've created it so far does not seem to allow for parallel approvals.

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replied on January 23, 2024

I only need one approval, but everyone who is approved can get the same email no matter what person/department they were approved by. 

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