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Using Pattern Match to strip File Path Value

asked on January 12, 2024

Example : I have a Token value - /Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/Folder5/File.pdf
There may be 0 or more folders in the Path.

I need to extract the Folder path (All except the File) and the File name.

End Result :
Path:  /Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/Folder4/Folder5/
File:   File.pdf 

I need to create two Patter Matching steps - One for the Path and one for the File.
Pattern matching Help needed please. 

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replied on January 12, 2024

It depends on how robust you need it to be and what might appear as possible inputs.  A fairly naïve, straightforward approach that might work for you is this:

This regex says "capture everything, including slashes, until you find a slash" (and due to the fact that regex are "greedy" by default, it'll capture everything before the last slash).  If there are no slashes, the pattern will have no matches.  The .* says "0 or more characters" (including slashes), and the slash says there must be a literal slash character at the end.

This pattern says "capture all text-that-is-not-a-slash and that is connected to the end of the string".  The [ ] mean "custom character class", in this case, we're saying "any character except slash" (the ^ means "except").  The + quantifier says there should be at least one character.  The $ is an "end of input" anchor--without it, the pattern matches "Folder1" in your example. 


Disclaimer: these patterns may match too much or too little, depending on what inputs they receive--it's impossible to make them more robust without more information (more inputs, assumptions that can be made, the source of the file paths, etc.).

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replied on January 12, 2024 Show version history

Once you have the path, another option for the File Name, instead of pattern matching, is to use functions and indexing.

If you split on the / character first (you could also remove empty items just in case to account for the possibility of a trailing slash) then you can take the last item with Apply Index.

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replied on January 16, 2024

Jacob: Appreciate the information. Specifically, the detailed breakdown of each part of the Pattern.

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