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How do I assign an Email Service Task recipient to a Team that may or may not have their task assigned?

asked on January 10, 2024

I have a parallel gateway that assigns User Tasks to various teams based on dropdown variables in my initial form.

If one of the teams rejects the form, I need to send an email notification to members of the other assigned Teams, so they don't waste their time reviewing the Task. 

It seems like you can assign dropdown variables to the "Send to" field, but even though they are identical to the Team names I want to email, they won't seem to fire.

Can someone help?

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replied on January 11, 2024 Show version history

Hi Chad, typically the way this is done based on the description above, is when one Team rejects the task, the next step is to have a condition to see if Reject was chosen and in that case use a Signal Event to close the other task within the parallel. This way it just leaves their queue so they don't have to deal with it. When all task are closed the BP will continue from the Parallel. You could incorporate an EMail between the signal event and the end to send an email if that is required.


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replied on January 11, 2024

Hi Steven,

Thank you for your help. I have indeed built a subprocess using similar logic that you've described.

I'm still having trouble only firing emails to the teams indicated in the variables. Is there some intuitive way to do this?

Thank you

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replied on January 11, 2024

I just did a simple test and it would not resolve a Username or a Team Name I put in the token either. Seems to be an inherit functional issue.

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