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Self-Hosted Forms Release (Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 5)

posted on January 2 Show version history

Have you checked out the latest self-hosted release?

Here's some highlights: 

Saving to the Laserfiche Repository Streamlined

Follow best security practices and ease process design with system-level repository profiles . By managing repository connection and authentication information in one place, system administrators can update passwords or repository location changes once, without having to make updates process by process. Individual process designers can be given access to specific system profiles, and use them when saving forms to the repository, without having to provide or manage their own repository credentials. New variables let you easily reference forms and attachments in future process steps. After saving a form to the repository, the entry ID, name, parent ID, folder path, and parent folder name for the form are all returned as variables. Variables for attachments include a list of all entry IDs and parent folder IDs. With these variables, you can, for example, email a link to the saved form or pass the form to an embedded document viewer. When saving a Form to the repository, you can now quickly apply consistent field values to all attachments at once. New parent fields options will set the attachments’ field values to inherit from the parent form without additional configuration.

Forms Configuration Utility

More easily configure a secure external Forms Server with the Laserfiche Forms configuration utility. This utility guides you through setting up both internal and DMZ Forms instances, with a variety of optional security measures for you to choose from. This utility completely replaces the previous need for extensive manual configuration while still supporting all the secure options manual configuration provided.

Search Large Datasets in Forms

Quickly find the data you’re searching for in tables and collections in Laserfiche Forms. Searching for relevant rows based on a specific search term helps users navigate large datasets. You can also filter tables and collections to easily find information. The filter includes condition-based logic to fine tune your results. Tables and collections can also be displayed with a set number of rows.

Preview Field Rules at Any Process Stage

Designers can now preview and test field rules at any stage in a process without needing to run the entire process. When previewing a form, a new dropdown menu lets designers select a process stage and step. Changing these dropdown values causes field rules to re-evaluate, modifying the form's behavior accordingly, just as it would in the actual process flow. This feature also displays the submission actions for that stage in the process, providing designers with an accurate representation of their form's appearance and functionality, so they can easily verify exactly what submitters will see at every step.

Reduce Bad Data with Field Masks

Field masks help users filling out forms to enter data in the correct format – providing greater consistency between different submitters and reducing data entry errors. For example, a field mask can ensure that a telephone number is formatted with the area code in parentheses and with a dash between the third and fourth numbers.

Expanded Layout Designer Scripting Support

Have more control over the design of your form with new settings that allow you to use code to update more field settings such as address subfields, submission action buttons, pagination titles, previous and next buttons, signature and file upload button labels, radio button, checkbox, drop-down field labels and values, and table column field settings. This gives you full control over all the labels in your form, creating an easy way to manipulate forms at run time, such as providing a form in multiple languages based on which language a user selects from a dropdown.


Support for Additional Languages

Laserfiche Forms is now available in German.


Check out a more detailed list in our KB article!

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replied on April 5

I just wanted to give a big thank you to the Forms team. I have almost completed my first moderately sized process using just the New Layout Designer. Being able to show what the form will look like at any step of the process has made it 1,000 times easier to show to the business users so they can understand what is going on. Thank you for continuing to take our feature requests and building them into the product.

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replied on January 4

Here is a video that shows most of the features released with Update 5. I'll be creating a second video for the other features not covered or that this video didn't go into detail on.

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replied on January 4

Is there any documentation on what options you have when setting the field masking? I got certain things to work after playing around with it, but some documentation would be helpful.

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replied on January 9

UE is working on preparing documentation for Layout Designer new features, and you can refer to PA Forms help link for immediate assistance.

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replied on January 16

Are we able to retrieve this entryID in a workflow? I have a workflow immediately after Save to Repository step. I would like to retrieve the entry ID of the saved document in my workflow. How can I do that?

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replied on January 16

Currently no, at least not passed from Forms. I would recommend setting your workflow using starting rules so it kicks off when the document is created.

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replied on January 16

oh ok, thanks. That is too bad that we cannot pass that from Forms side to Workflow.

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replied on June 17

Save the workflow instance ID as metadata on the entry in your save to repository activity, then run your workflow and search the repository using that same workflow instance ID to find the entry.

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