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Feature Request: Style Options for Sections, Tables, and Collections in Modern Designer

asked on December 13, 2023 Show version history

In the Forms Layout Designer when changing styles for a form, there are no options specific for Sections, Tables, and Collections. These must be done manually using CSS. It would be great if there were built in styles for these that could be changed to help theme a form.

For a Section, I would like to be able to change the font, font-color, font-size, font-style, header-color, and height of the section header.

For a Table, I would like to be able to change the font, font-color, font-size, font-style, table header color, height of the table header, row color, alt row color, and next & previous font options.

For a Collection, I would like to be able to change the font, font-color, font-size, font-style, collection header color, height of the collection header, group color, alt group color, and next & previous font options.

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replied on December 13, 2023

It would be great if we could align the Title as well.

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replied on December 14, 2023

I agree! We're currently using CSS to center the title of each form.

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replied on December 14, 2023

We are currently weary of adding styling settings across fields as this could bloat the settings panes. We could maybe add a style tab to each field, but this could be painful to use if you want to apply styles to all fields of that type. For the styles you are looking for, are you looking for default field styles? Or are these unique styles you want for a particular table/section/etc. 

Are these styles that you want to share across many forms? I am currently researching a way to have more of a global CSS option that could be useful to share styles across forms/processes. I think this would be more useful than a field option because you could just have a global CSS file and then just apply the class wherever you want to use it.

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replied on December 14, 2023

I am referring to Theme Styles.

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