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Laserfiche and eOriginal

asked on December 5, 2023

Could you let me know if anybody knows about any integration between Laserfiche and eOriginal?


Just as a reference, eOriginal is a document vaulting solution for digital financial assets that are closed, collateralized, securitized, and sold into the secondary market – fueling greater capital efficiency and leverage.


Thank you!

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replied on December 5, 2023 Show version history

Hi David,

It's helpful to include a high-level description of what the desired/expected integration functionality is with these sorts of "does anyone know about an integration between Laserfiche and $App" requests. 

Data lookups? One-way or two-way? Migrating documents? "Integration" is such a broad term. If the community here can understand the business and/or technical objective of the integration, you have a better chance of getting helpful responses.


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replied on December 12, 2023

Understood.  My thought process here is that eOriginal is pretty specific in regards to it being a secure document Vault that it was mostly obvious.

What I am looking for is a way to transfer a chattel document from Laserfiche to eOriginal and have it be able to audit this transfer such that is complies with the UCC 9-105 standards

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replied on December 12, 2023

Given the requirements of UCC 9-105, your best bet is likely an integration that uses a dedicated "eOriginal" service account that will appear as the user executing the Export action in the Laserfiche Audit Trail event.

If you need to validate file integrity on both sides of the transfer as part of proving it's still the authoritative copy, start here for ideas:


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replied on December 13, 2023

Do you know if there is an easy way to produce the Audit Trail to a document that can be supplied as part of the "package" that gets uploaded to eOriginal?  That would give us the ability to sort of show the chain of custody.  Although I guess we would really need to do this AFTER the transfer to the eOriginal Vault.

Thank you for your response.

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replied on December 13, 2023 Show version history

To sanely automate that, the only thought that comes to mind involves running Laserfiche Audit Trail 10.x (latest v10 release) which uses a SQL Server database backend instead of AT11's Laserfiche Full-Text Search (LFFTS) catalog backend. Use Workflow (etc.) to run a SQL query that gets the relevant audit log data for the entry export and format the results into however eOriginal needs to consume them. You can use Audit Trail 10.x with Laserfiche Server (LFS) 11 as the underlying binary audit log format LFS produces hasn't changed between v10 and v11.

The easiest way to get the query you'll need is to enable SQL Server Profiler or Extended Events for the Audit Trail database, run the search you want from Audit Trail Reporting (e.g., EntryID=123, User=eOriginalIntegrationUser, Event=Export, DateTimeRange=Last1h), and find and copy the resulting SQL query from Profiler/Extended Events. Then parameterize any relevant bits like EntryID.

Note that the Audit Trail database structure uses numeric codes for event types (which Audit Trail Reporting translates to human-readable labels in the UI), so the SQL query results will include something like "EventType=42" and you'll likely want to "translate" that to something like "EventType=Export" before you pass the data to eOriginal.

With this approach, you may need to set up a small Audit Trail 10.x instance with SQL Server Express for integration purposes. If you do, given the use case I recommend setting the Audit Trail Reporting retention period to something small short a week or two to keep the AT database size minimal, and cap SQL Server Express to using a few GB of memory (otherwise it will try to claim all of it).

If you have a normal Audit Trail 11 instance running, you don't need to make any changes to it for this setup. Multiple Audit Trail instances can point at the same repository and independently ingest its audit data at the same time. The binary audit logs produced by Laserfiche Server and stored in the repository /AUDIT/ directory are the "source of truth". Audit Trail loads a subset of that data into a SQL database or LFFTS catalog to make it accessible for reporting.

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replied on December 14, 2023

Thank you for the super detailed response.  I am hoping we don't need to supply that based on the complexity you describe but at least now we are prepared to if it becomes a necessity.   

My initial thought was maybe an RPA type process on top of the Audit Report query and do some sort of print to PDF.  Or maybe even a RPA to get a screen shot of the data on screen because the audit records should not be too many records for most of these.  Certainly not a "accurate" as what you suggested but might be "good enough".

Thanks again!

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