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Add Laserfiche User Account ID to a Document While Open By The Specific User

asked on December 4, 2023


I have a client who is looking for a way to track documents such that if someone were to snap a document say from a laptop screen, one would be able to know where that document came from by looking at the picture. Like having unique ID for each document by user so that every account in laserfiche will have own unique document ID stamped automatically like a bookmark on the document that he opens. So when someone snaps that documents, the bookmark will appear in the photograph and we can link that document to a laserfiche user account. If user A and B opens thesame document, it show unique ID on the document for each user. Like any user who opens a document will have their username automatically bookmarked on that document while open. So if any one takes a photo graph of it, the bookmark will appear and we can know that document was from a specific user. Is there a way to achieve this in laserfiche? Any ideas?

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replied on December 4, 2023

I think you'd want to look into either Group Watermarks, or Tags with watermarks enabled; with both options, you can include the username token in the watermark text configuration.

However, this won't work for electronic documents, so things like PDF, Word, or other non-native documents stored in Laserfiche would not have a watermark.

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replied on January 23 Show version history

Hello Jason. Thanks for your detailed feedback on this. One more question: Is it possible to achieve the tags with  watermark using the Username token in the Laserfiche Cloud? I mean can this be replicated in LF Cloud?


Also, this screenshot you shared, where can one do this? Is this in the Admin Console or the document side panel?

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replied on January 25

I have not worked in Cloud so I cannot say for sure, but I would be very surprised if this option was not available in Cloud.

The screenshot is from the Admin console under Metadata Management > Tags

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replied on February 9 Show version history

Hello Jason,

Thanks for all your feedbacks. I have tried this out and it worked perfectly and I was able to position the watermark right in the middle of the document.


Now i want to automate the process of the application of the tag to any document that is open. Do you have any  i idea what workflow tool will do this or how it can be done?

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replied on February 13

Hi Adeyemi,

I'm not sure there is going to be an effective way to apply any watermark tags dynamically just while the document is open.

You can set it up so it shows the unique watermark when someone views the document, but the tag would need to be applied in advance.

The first problem is that there are no "open" or "close" event triggers to use in the starting rules; that's only tracked in auditing.

The second problem would be source control because only one user, including workflow, can edit a document at a time.

Even if opening a document could trigger a workflow, the user would've opened it before the tag was applied so they wouldn't see the watermark.

Additionally, if the user made any sort of change before the workflow could apply the tag, it would lock the document preventing the tag from being added.

Short version is, if you want the users to see the watermark, then the associated tag must be already be set before they open the document.

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replied on December 4, 2023

Thank you so much Jason for such a quick response. So are you saying with the group watermark or tag with watermark option, a non-electronic document opened by a user will have the user's username watermarked on the document if the username token have been configured in the watermark?

Again, is this automatic such that once a user opens a document the username watermark will be printed on it?

The reason client wants this feature is so that a document whose photograph was taken while open on a user's system (possibly while user not at desk) can be traced to that user's system since the username will be watermarked on the document when the photograph was taken. In case that document gets circulated to a public domain.

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replied on December 4, 2023

I can't say for sure about Group Watermarks because I haven't utilized them, but I do know Tag Watermarks appear when viewing the document in the client and when they include the username token it will display the username of the user currently viewing the document.

I would expect the same behavior for group watermarks; however, it is also worth noting that the placement of the watermarks will matter since one could easily zoom/crop to hide a watermark placed along the bottom or in other margins.

If available, I'd also recommend utilizing Audit Trail to ensure you have a record of when a documents have been viewed, and what accounts accessed them.

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replied on December 7, 2023

Thanks so much. This cleared up a lot of  apprehensions.

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